Coaching Philosophy

To become a lifelong mentor for students is one of many reasons I would like to coach.  There are many self-fulfilling rewards when it comes to coaching. To know that I coached a child and made a difference in his or her life would be satisfying enough. Coaches do more than coach the sports. They teach life lessons and ethics that students use for years to come. I would like to be the one who students remember for a lifetime. A very important goal for my athletes would be that they produce grades and the talent that helps them open doors to the future.  My desire for student athletes is to see them constantly put forth the effort to become better whether on the field or in the classroom
Athletics provide an outlet for students to relieve stress and gain healthy lifelong choices.  Through athletics, students are provided with different mediums to express themselves and grow into mature men and women. Athletics also provides insight of the real world through teamwork and hardships. There are days where the coach is not always right; getting to know your athletes and understand where they are coming from will help you relate to your athletes and understand why they make the decisions they make. As a coach you have to be able to see situations from the eye of the students, be open to change and become a continuous learner. I believe being a humble but stern figure for your athletes is the best way to relate to them.
Creating team spirit through the community can give a sense of ownership with the team without actually participating on the team. The involvement of the community will better you, your teams, and future fans, especially when matters of funding athletics arise.  Keeping a close relationship with other educators will also help me discipline my students when it comes to schoolwork. The virtues I would instill in my students are tenacity and perseverance because hard work truly pays off and it is through hard work that the greatest rewards are obtained. Teaching my athletes to have respect for themselves and others at all times, acceptance of failure and how to overcome obstacles is also essential. Failure is a reality in all sports, what matters is how someone deals with it. I will continue to be a positive figure in their lives, leading by example and continuing to be active throughout my career. Showing my students what it means to be responsible adults and civil human beings through affective skill development is a critical part of my coaching.
It is healthy to lose. If a team never lost a game how would they know how to overcome defeat and the struggles that come with it?  I will coach through the wins and loses. I will also teach them that losing every game is not healthy but to win is a victory within itself. When the going gets tough, I want my students to be comfortable enough with me to be able to talk out a situation regardless of the topic. Respect, dedication, loyalty and honor are the qualities my athletes will receive and in turn remember me for. I will be the person who they look back and say, “Ms. Morgan is the one who truly made a difference in my life and set me on this great path.”