Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Philosophy

Being a student within the inner city I’ve seen a lot of good and bad teaching.  It is my personal goal to give back to the children in the community in which I grew up many of the things I learned. I want to give back education to those who face the same struggles I went through as a student.  The reason I want to be a teacher is so that I can be an advocate and a role model for the students. I have many qualities that will help me become an effective teacher. My experiences with adversity, my knowledge and understanding of several cultures help me to relate to student on many different levels.
            As a new teacher I appreciate the value of a quality physical education class and I understand what the students miss if they don’t get quality lessons. This is what makes me a new era physical education teacher. The skills learned in my classroom will travel with students to help them build healthy lifestyles. Understanding that physical education is a subject, just like math or science, where students learn the value of the world around them. I hold the power of assessment in and pedagogy in the palms of my hand, along with fresh ideas, which makes me a new era physical education teacher.
            Classroom management and discipline should not be taken for granted. It is the very glue that holds a classroom together. Creating routines that include classroom protocols and practicing them everyday helps limit the off-task behaviors in classroom. Having students take ownership within the classroom by discussing the protocols and creating a comfortable environment through visual aids and decoration are some the ways I plan to manage my students.
            Through my diverse teaching styles and resource I hope that I touch many of the students’ lives that I come in contact with. Within my classroom I plan to create physically educated students that have attained the fundamental keys to living through social and leaderships skills, as well as fitness, wellness and self-reliance. Not just students who are good with sports. My physical education classroom will give students different mediums to express themselves and increase body awareness while incorporating various subjects in activity. For an interdisciplinary teacher approach
            I hope to be remembered as teacher who was passionate and dedicated to her students and her work. To be remembered as the teacher who placed those first stepping-stones to healthy living is how I want to be remembered, that’s is and all the reward I need.